
The 7th National Conference OnFundamental and Applied IT Research

On the morning of 19 June 2014, the opening ceremony of The Seventh National Conference on Fundamental and Applied IT Research- FAIR 2014 took place at the Multifunction Library of Information and Communication  Technology University.On the morning of 19 June, 2014, the opening ceremony of The Seventh National Conference on Fundamental and Applied IT Research- FAIR 2014 took place at the Multifunction Library of Information and Communication  Technology University. This year, the conference was held at Vietnam Union of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Thai Nguyen University, ICTU; and other universities, and research institutes both at home and abroad. The conference was held to create an opportunity for scientists in over the country as well as teachers, Ph.D. students, post-graduate students and students to exchange, learn experiences, approach new research methods and modern technology, and deploy Information Technology applications in practice.

Conference participants included: Science Proffessor Dr. Duong Ngoc Hai – Vice President of Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology; Associate Prof. Dr. Ta Duc Thinh – Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Environment – Ministry of Education and Training; Mr. Duong Ngoc Long – Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Mr. Le Quang Duc – Member of the Provincial Standing Committee, Head of Provincial Department of Propaganda and leaders of relevant departments also attended; Representative of Thai Nguyen University: Prof. Dr. Dang Kim Vui – Director Thai Nguyen University; For Information and Communication Technology University (ICTU) –the host university for the conference, Associate Prof. Dr. Pham Viet Binh – Secretary of Party Committee, Rector of the University and other members in the Board of Management, people who are PhD students, post-graduate students; Especially there were more than 400 delegates who are scientists, lecturers, PhD students of the research  Institutes, the Universities in  the country also attended.

To open the report at the conference, Associate Prof. Dr. Pham Viet  Binh on behalf of the staff and students of ICTU, reported on an overview of 13 years of construction and development of the University. In his report, Associate Professor stated: With views of the University is taking ICTU (ICT) as the infrastructure of infrastructure in all fields of socio-economic, the University has been implementing training, scientific research towards moving Information Technology Major to professional Information Technology, in order to apply IT for the needs of society.

This conference has received more than 230 scientific reports from experts, the reports focused on the fields such as Network and Communications Technology; Multimedia Technology; Database and Knowledge; Information Systems; Language processing; Computational Science. The organizers chose 170 quality reports for presentation at the conference. They are the reports that are new and topical to basic research; creative and necessary for applied research.

At the conference, many reports have attracted the attention of numerous scientists such as measuring power consumption devices using wireless sensor technology; Solution for protecting information security for internal networks of government agencies and businesses with the Internet connection based on virtualization technology; the approach of algebraic death with intelligent decision support for disaster rescue …

The conference was held in 2 days, with 06 subcommittees and they has really become an important scientific activity, contributed to basic research, applied research on Information Technology in Vietnam. This is a great opportunity for the staff, lecturers, Ph.D. students, post-graduate students, and students of Information and Communications Technology University to learn, and exchange experiences with scientists and colleagues in the country.

On the evening of 19 June, a reception party and cultural exchange program of the University with delegates attending the conference took place. This is an opportunity for the University to express the spirit of hospitality and is an opportunity for scientists to have time to exchange and learn more about the University as well as exchange, and share information with each other. Here, so many distinguished guests have expressed their feelings with the University through the lyrics, singing and interact with the staff’s, students at the University. The atmosphere of the party was very busy.

On the afternoon of 20 June, the closing ceremony of the conference took palce at the multi-functional library, over 161 scientific reports presented in the subcommittees, this is the conference which has the biggest number of report, with many high quality reports. At the end of the conference, the challenge banners of FAIR conference were awarded to the Institute of Information Technology – Hanoi National University, the host of the 8th FAIR conference which will take place in 2015.

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