ICTU Pioneers the Implementation of the National Domain Name ‘.vn’ for Students
Recently, Information and Communication Technology University (ICTU) collaborated with the Vietnam Internet Center (VNNIC) and the national domain registrar Tenten.vn to organize a training program on the application of the national domain name “.vn” and personal website development for students.
The Training Program Attracts 600 ICTU Students
The program was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phùng Trung Nghia – Rector of ICTU, Ms. Tran Thi Thu Hien – Deputy Director of the Vietnam Internet Center, Mr. Nguyen Anh Doan – Business Director of Tenten.vn, along with 600 ICTU students.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phung Trung Nghia – Rector of ICTU giving a speech
In his speech, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phung Trung Nghia emphasized that ICTU is the first university nationwide selected to implement the national domain name “.vn” for students. This initiative aims to enhance digital capabilities and foster digital students within a digital university, aligning with the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and national digital transformation.
The program was organized with the expectation that ICTU students—future technology leaders—will continue to take the lead in digital transformation. It also hopes that students will maximize the application of domain names in their studies and professional endeavors.
Ms. Tran Thi Thu Hien – Deputy Director of the Vietnam Internet Center instructing ICTU Students
During the training session, students received an introduction to the online presence program using the national domain name “.vn,” the value of the “id.vn” website in building a personal brand, and instructions on creating and editing a website with the “id.vn” domain name. Additionally, they learned how to apply AI for effective content creation.
Mr. Thai Huu Ly – Head of Service Development, VNNIC, Ministry of Information and Communications introducing the Online Presence Program with the National Domain Name “.vn”
Through this program, students had the opportunity to access cutting-edge technology platforms, develop digital skills and enhance their capacity for innovation. This initiative is a key part of ICTU students’ digital transformation journey, supporting them in building a strong online personal brand, creating professional personal profiles, developing impressive online CVs, and expanding academic, employment, and entrepreneurial opportunities while still in university.