Functional Divisions

Division of Student Affairs

1. History of formation and development

Division of Student Affairs was established under Decision No. 801/QD-DHTN dated August 11, 2011 by the President of Thai Nguyen University. Formerly, it was the Division of Political and Students Affairs (under Faculty of Information Technology – Thai Nguyen University) established under Decision No. 451/QD-TCCB dated August 08, 2005 of the President of Thai Nguyen University.

2. Functions and tasks

Division of Student Affairs is responsible for advising and taking responsibility before the Rector for the political and ideological education for students; student management like rewarding, disciplining, students’ on-campus and out-campus residence, ensuring security, implementing policies for students and other activities related to the rights and obligations of students; and cooperating with businesses and advising and supporting job placement for students.

3. Structure and staff

The total number of staff is 15 people, of which there is one head of the Devision, one vice head, and 13 officials. Five staff has master degree and the rest has bachelor degrees.

Dr. Bui Anh Tu

Position: Head                        Email:

MSc. Le Anh Tu

Position: Vice Head                Email:

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