Functional Divisions

Division of Administrative Affairs and Personnel Organisation

1. History of formation and development

Division of Administrative Affairs and Personnel Organisation was established under Decision No. 216/QD-DHTN dated March 4, 2013 of the President of Thai Nguyen University (formerly the General Department was established under Decision No. 80/QD-TCCB dated March 20, 2002 of the President of Thai Nguyen University; Decision No. 801/QD-DHTN dated August 11, 2011 of the President of Thai Nguyen University; and Decision No. 216/QD-ĐHTN dated March 4, 2013 of the President of Thai Nguyen University).

2. Functions and tasks

Advising and assisting the Rector in the management and organisation of tasks in the fields of: correspondence and archiving management, administrative affairs, general affairs, legislation, organisation, personnel organisation, medical affairs, emulation and commendation, party work, labour union and some other tasks assigned by the university.

3. Organisational structure and staff

The Division has 04 specialised sections (Administrative – Legislative section; Organisational – Personnel section, Medical center; Office for Party and Labour Union).

In 2021, the division has 19 staff, of which one staff has a doctoral degree, 08 staff has master degrees, and the rest have other degrees. The division has 01 head of division, 02 vice head, 01 head of medical center. The staff are always enthusiastic, responsible, capable, and professional. Promoting the spirit of collective solidarity along with the efforts of each staff in the unit, the Division of Administrative Affairs and Personnel Organisation continues to contribute to the cause of building and developing the university.

Dr. Nguyen Thanh Trung

Position: Head                  Email:

MSc. Nguyen Hien Trinh

Position: Vice Head         Email:

MSc. Vu Thi Quynh

Position: Vice Head         Email:

4. Titles and rewards achieved

In the academic year 2020-2021, the Division was awarded the Emulation Flag of the Ministry of Education and Training, and for many years of good completion and excellent completion of the task.

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