INTL. Cooperation


Applying digital technologies to increase the efficiency of online business for women with disability in the Red River Delta region of Vietnam 1. Project number: CFLI-2021-HANOI-VN-0008 2. Descriptive project name: Applying digital technologies to increase the efficiency of online business for women with disability in...

International Twinning Undergraduate Programme

Since 2019, ICTU has continuously cooperated with Kyungpook National University (KNU), South Korea to open a 3+1 joint training project “The Twinning Undergraduate Programme in Software Engineering”. Taking part in this programme, students will study the first three years at ICTU campus and the last...

International partners

The University of Information and Communication Technology (ICTU) has established partnerships with both in-bound and out-bound international partners including academic institutions and enterprises.  List of international partners: 1. Kyungpook National University (KNU), South Korea  2. Kyonggi University (KGU), South Korea 3. Gumi University, South Korea...